Texas A&M Univerisity

Center for Geospatial
Sciences, Applications
and Technology

Tutorials &Workshops

Getting Started with Generative AI

  1. MSU Denver (https://ready.msudenver.edu/resources/generative-ai/generative-ai-tutorials/)
  2. Microsoft Cloud (https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/#/)
  3. Google Cloud (https://www.youtube.com/@googlecloudtech)
  4. W3Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/gen_ai/)
  5. TensorFlow and PyTorch Documentation: TensorFlow and PyTorch are two of the most popular frameworks for deep learning, and they offer extensive documentation and tutorials on generative models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) and VAEs (Variational Autoencoders)
  6. GitHub and Colab Notebooks: Many researchers and developers share their projects on GitHub, which often include Jupyter Notebooks that you can run directly in Google Colab. These notebooks typically come with complete code and detailed explanations, making them an excellent resource for learning and experimentation.
  1. Coursera and Udacity: Both platforms offer courses specifically on generative AI. For example, Coursera’s “Generative AI for Everyone” and Udacity’s “Generative AI Nanodegree” programs provide structured learning paths from basic to advanced topics, including hands-on projects.
  2. YouTube Channels: YouTube is a great resource for free tutorials. Channels like 3Blue1Brown, Two Minute Papers, and Siraj Raval often cover topics in generative AI, providing both theoretical insights and practical demonstrations.
  3. Blogs and Online Articles: Many experts and enthusiasts write about their experiences and experiments with generative AI on platforms like Medium, Towards Data Science, and personal blogs. These articles can provide insights into specific techniques and applications.

Hands-on Workshops for Urban Planners

ADaSci’s Mastering LangChain WorkshopThis workshop focuses on building and deploying generative AI-powered applications using LangChain. It covers the fundamentals of generative AI, its applications across various industries, and hands-on sessions for creating AI agents and deploying AI applications. This workshop is suitable for developers and practitioners with a basic knowledge of Python and AI concepts.https://adasci.org/product/mastering-langchain-a-hands-on-workshop-for-building-generative-ai-applications/
Swecha’s GenAI Master WorkshopThis is a more comprehensive session that includes exploring the frontiers of generative AI with a focus on software development and problem-solving using AI and ML mental models. The workshop features hands-on demos and in-depth discussions on large language models, including their training and deployment.https://swecha.org/workshops/AI, https://aidays.io/masterclass
Shelly Palmer’s Custom Generative AI WorkshopsTailored specifically for organizational needs, these workshops include leadership training in AI, prompt engineering, and aligning generative AI with business processes. They are designed to boost productivity and integrate AI into organizational workflows effectively.https://shellypalmer.com/generative-ai-workshops/
GrowthSchool’s Generative AI Courses and WorkshopThough not specifically for urban planners, GrowthSchool offers immersive courses and workshops on generative AI that include live Q&A sessions with experts, community support, and hands-on projects, which can be beneficial for anyone looking to apply AI in their field.https://course.growthschool.io/generative-ai-design?ref=gs
Institute for Adult Learning’s Hands-on Essentials WorkshopThis workshop is focused on using generative AI like ChatGPT in learning design but can provide valuable insights into how generative AI can be utilized in various professional practices, including urban planning. The course includes creating engaging and effective learning materials using AI, which can be analogous to urban planning applications.https://www.ial.edu.sg/short-courses/jumpstart-your-learning-design-with-generative-ai/, https://www.ial.edu.sg/short-courses/supercharge-your-learning-design-with-generative-ai/

Integrating Generative AI into Urban Design Software

  1. Giraffe Build provides an innovative platform for urban design that incorporates generative design tools. Their system allows for rapid creation of urban layouts and structures using AI-driven automation, which simplifies the urban design process significantly. Their platform is particularly useful for urban planners interested in integrating advanced technology into their workflows​. (https://www.giraffe.build/)
  2. Research published on arXiv discusses the implementation of a tensor-field-based generative urban modeling toolkit that integrates with Rhino/Grasshopper. This toolkit is designed to facilitate rapid design space exploration and multi-objective optimization in urban planning, offering a practical approach to incorporating generative AI into urban design processes​​. (https://ar5iv.org/pdf/2212.06783)
  3. Digital Blue Foam (DBF) Blog: DBF provides insights on how generative AI can be used to design sustainable and efficient urban spaces. They discuss the use of AI to optimize building designs and infrastructure, making cities more livable and resilient. This resource is particularly useful for understanding the practical implications of generative AI in urban planning​ (https://www.digitalbluefoam.com/post/building-sustainable-cities-how-generative-ai-is-shaping-urban-planning).
  4. UrbanistAI: This platform offers workshops that involve participatory planning and co-design, utilizing generative AI to engage citizens in the urban design process. UrbanistAI allows for the visualization of urban design changes and encourages community involvement in planning, making it a valuable tool for urban planners looking to incorporate public opinion and creativity in their projects​ (https://www.urbanistai.com/)​.
  5. MIT Media Lab – Deep Image of the City: This tutorial explores a generative approach to urban design visualization using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs). It’s aimed at facilitating rapid urban prototyping and real-time visualizations, which can be crucial for preliminary urban design stages​ (https://www.media.mit.edu/publications/deep-image-of-the-city-a-generative-approach-to-urban-design-visualization/)​.

Iffort: This resource discusses the application of evolutionary algorithms and GANs in urban planning. It highlights the potential of these technologies to generate and evaluate multiple design scenarios, which can help urban planners optimize various factors like population density and environmental impact. The approach is noted for its ability to produce innovative urban design solutions although it can be computationally intensive​ (https://www.iffort.com/blog/2023/04/18/exploring-generative-ai-applications-in-architecture-and-urban-planning/

Case Study Walkthroughs

Case StudyDescriptionLink(s)
Spacemaker AI by AutodeskSpacemaker uses AI-powered generative design to help architects and urban planners create more sustainable and efficient urban spaces. The platform allows for rapid generation and evaluation of multiple urban design scenarios, helping professionals make informed early-stage design decisions. This tool emphasizes sustainability by optimizing building and space layouts based on environmental data, zoning, and other urban factors.https://www.archdaily.com/952850/spacemaker-proposes-ai-powered-generative-design-to-create-more-sustainable-spaces-and-cities, https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-digit/submission/spacemaker-merging-ai-technology-with-urban-planning-and-design/
Delve by Sidewalk LabsDelve is another generative design tool that aims to revolutionize urban planning. It uses machine learning to generate and assess a multitude of design variants, optimizing for parameters like sunlight, wind, and regulatory compliance to propose the most effective urban designs. This tool supports decision-making by providing data-driven insights that reflect the needs and priorities of the community.https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/article/architecture-news/a2191-urban-planning-with-new-delve-generative-design-tool-reconceptualized-by-sidewalk-labs/